One of our most frequently asked questions is how to get sealing wax off the melting spoon once you've finished using it. Thankfully, there's an easy and quick solution. The only thing you'll need is a paper towel.

Step One
Make sure that the wax remaining on the spoon is melted. This will make it easier to remove. Hold it over your candle if necessary.

Step Two
Using a paper towel, bring the towel under the spoon, making sure your fingers don't touch the hot spoon.

Step Three
Wipe the spoon on the paper towel until all of the wax is gone from the spoon.
Tip: If it becomes difficult to remove the wax, hold your spoon over the candle again for a few seconds to make sure it is completely melted.

And that's it! Your spoon is now clean and ready to be used again.
We hope this helps your spoon stay in tip-top shape so that you can get the perfect wax seal impression every time, but if you have questions please feel free to get in touch with us - we're always happy to help in any way we can!